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How to survive home schooling and working from home - OneMSP

Written by Petros | Apr 29, 2020 4:48:59 PM

Working from home has been a huge adjustment for able businesses across the UK in the last two months. And yet, for many people, this is just one side of the coin; home schooling their children is the other side. Now that children have ‘returned to school’ after the Easter holidays, the struggle of juggling working from home and home schooling is again a reality for many employees and workers.

Every parent will agree that combining the roles of a parent, teacher and employee all in one day, and doing those roles well, is very challenging. Here are our top tips for creating good balance and not losing your mind!

Schedule, schedule, schedule

It is important to schedule calls carefully around scheduled lessons, if you are indeed structuring the home schooling like a day at school. Book meetings during lesson breaks if possible so that you can keep track of where your children are at and provide help as required.  Special circumstances also call for special measures; use your work calendar to record all home-schooling lessons and work meetings so that you have a single view of the day.

Collaboration isn’t just online meetings

Whilst school lessons are underway, keeping in touch and collaborating with colleagues is still very possible. Microsoft Teams enables you to continue communicating with colleagues, provide input and collaborate on projects. Email is also a valuable tool and, since almost everyone is in front of the screen instead of on the road, emails are likely to be read and responded too much quicker.

The beauty of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams is that a variety of different communication options are pulled together in to one integrated solution, which is easily accessed from only from you PC but any mobile device, tablet or phone.

The right equipment

For the unavoidable times when a meeting has to coincide with home-schooling, having good quality equipment can make all the difference. Noise cancelling headphones mean that you can join a meeting without any unwanted background noise, and the kids can focus on learning without having to be a part of your meeting!



If you need any help in supporting your employees create the best working from home and home-schooling environment, get in touch today. We can offer advice on solutions and equipment to make your day that bit easier!